
Annual Sports Day

January 2024

Celebrating the delightful January weather in Karachi, Rahnuma Public School enthusiastically hosted its annual sports day. The event saw active participation from both the Primary and Secondary sections, as well as their dedicated teachers. This day of sports served not only as a display of physical prowess but also as a platform for fostering sportsmanship and providing passionate individuals with opportunities to excel.

The festivities commenced with a spectacular show orchestrated by the children, setting an energetic tone for the day ahead. The event featured a series of races and fun games, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and friendly competition. Through sports, the students had the chance to showcase their skills, build teamwork, and embrace the joy of healthy competition


Talent Week 2024

The event commenced with a Nath and Baith Bazee competition, embracing the rich tradition of Urdu poetry. Following this, students engaged in thought-provoking debates and inspiring speeches, showcasing their oratory and analytical skills. The second day unfolded with captivating performances from various age groups, demonstrating talents in the performing arts.

The highlight of the week was the Mela or school fair on the third day, creating a lively and festive atmosphere for students and guests alike. The week concluded with a grand Science, Technology, and Art Exhibition, where students exhibited their innovative projects and creations. Esteemed guests were invited to judge and award prizes to the best entries, recognizing and encouraging the students' achievements.

Talent Week 2024 at Rahnuma Public School not only provided a platform for students to express their talents but also fostered a sense of community and appreciation for diverse skills. 

Career's Week 2024

Career's Week 2024 at Rahnuma Public School marked a crucial milestone for our 16-year-olds as they approached the end of their secondary education. The primary objective of this week was to empower and guide students in making informed choices regarding their future academic and career paths, whether it be pursuing higher education, vocational training, or entering the workforce.

Lady Bird Johnson “Children are apt to live up to what you believe of them.”